
[영어 문법] would + have + p.p / should + have + p.p / could + have +p.p

푸닥푸다닥 2023. 12. 1. 06:07

would + have + p.p / should + have + p.p / could + have +p.p


A : 이거 좀 먹어봐요 맛있어요

     Try this, it’s good.  먹어보다 : try something 보다 자연스러운 건 없다


B : 아뇨 전 됐어요 제가 사실은 해물을 잘 안먹거든요

     No, I’m good. Actually, I don’t really eat seafood.


A: 정말요? 왜 아무 말도 안했어요? 다른거 시켰을텐데

     Really? Why didn’t you say anything? We would’ve gotten something else

  •   Would've의 문장은 If가정 절이 생략된 문장

        -> If you had told us something we would've gotten something else.

            If you had said something we would've gotten something else.

            If you had mentioned something we would've gotten something else.


B : 아니에요 진짜 괜찮나요 다른거 다 잘먹고 있어요

     No. It’s really OK. I’m really enjoying everything else


A : 그래도 말씀하시지 이거말고도 시킬거 많았는데

     Still. You should’ve told us. There were tons of other things we could’ve ordered.

  • 말씀하시지 -> 얘기 했어야지, 했었어야지, 했었어야 했어.. 라서 should가 들어감 
  • Tons of : 양이 많을 때 a lot of 보다 강조하며 케쥬얼한 어감으로 얘기 할 수 있다. 
  • could have : 실제론 그러지 않았지만 그럴 수 있었던 것


B : 그렇긴한데 저는 진짜 다들 그냥 원하는거 먹었으면 좋겠어요 저는 진짜 상관없어요

     I know what you mean, but honestly, I would really prefer it if everyone just get(got) what they want. 

     I’m really OK. / I really don’t mind. / It’s really not a problem

  • '그렇긴 한데'라는 문장만 놓고보면 'that's true.'가 가장 유사 하지만 문장에 따라 다르게 표현하는게 자연스러울 수 있다. ->  I know what you mean 
  • 뒤에 '저는 진짜'라는 표현으로 다르게 표현하는게 자연스러울 수 있다. 
  • 저는 진짜 : but honestly 
  • 정말 간절히 바라는 마음을 표현할 때 : I’d really prefer it if --


[혼자 막 해보는 예문연습]

It's rain outside now? You should've told me, I missed my umbrella.

Why didn't you eat anything? I would've brought some food for you

Why didn't you tell me that you guys would play soccer? I could've played instead of John


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